How To Type In Telugu In Whatsapp

how to type in telugu in whatsapp

how to type in telugu in whatsapp is a question that has been bothering many people in India. This is because there are many people using MMS and other instant messaging services to communicate with each other. In fact, messaging has become so common that it has almost become a second nature. The biggest difference between this messaging and SMS is that while the latter requires you to type out a message, the former can be typed out by simply clicking on a tool that resembles a keyboard.

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Texting in India has become very popular, and for good reason. It saves on space and time. You do not have to travel anywhere just to send a message. All you need is your computer and internet connection.


If you want to learn how to type in Telugu in whatsapp, the first step is to make sure you have the correct software installed on your computer. The most common is MSN. However, if you do not have this installed, you should go and download one from the Microsoft website. You can also try out Apple's I program if you have an iPhone. After you have downloaded these applications, you are ready to start learning how to type in Telugu in whatsapp.

How to Type in Telugu in Whatsapp


Once you are online, you will have access to many tools that allow you to communicate with other users. This includes a message board, which allows you to chat and talk with people in the same language. When you start interacting with other members, you will learn how to read and write Telugu. There is also a text mode which allows you to type messages in your chat room without actually seeing the letters on the screen.


After you have learned how to type in Telugu in Whatsapp using your text messaging application of choice, you should head over to the chat room. Once there, you should create a new account. This is very simple and you will be prompted to give your username, password and user name. Once you have done this, you will be able to log into your Telugu chat room and start conversing with other users.


In your username and password, you will want to include your contact numbers such as your home number, work number and numbers where you posted your job application. Once you have registered, you will see a list of people who have access to this chat. You will be able to send and receive text messages from other users. You will also see who the current logged-in person is. This makes it easy to keep track of who is online at any time.


Once you are in the public chat room, you will need to provide your login information such as your email address, Facebook account and password. When typing in Telugu in Whatsapp, you will type these words at the space provided at the bottom of the chat window. It will ask you whether you want to see the English or Telugu words. If you type in the English version, the chat will automatically replace the word with the correct word. If you type in the Telugu version, it will replace the word with the correct Tamil word that you have typed in.


You can now go about your daily business while being aware that you are typing in Telugu in what is known as Tamil text messages. This means that if you get lost or have an important business discussion, you will be able to get through to someone. In addition, if you want to check your emails or your phonebook without having to lift your finger, you can type the name of the company, contact information or the name of the individual to find them.

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